Technical Report








Secure Socket Layer Protocol in e-Commerce

(Secure Socket Layer Protocol in e-commerce)











Koh Cheng Wah

EE 01778

Universiti Tenaga Nasional,

Data Communication EECB 423


Dr. Ong Hang See, Lecturer EECB 423



A brief Study of Secure Socket Layer


How does SSL work?


A practical Exercise


Case Study : Using SSL for typical e-Commerce


Current SSL protocol


In a Nutshell


Newbie Section









 ith the advent of the Internet, electronic commerce is catching up with   conventional business. Merchants still use a lot of publicity, advertisements and other market driven techniques to sell their products to a crowd of people. Only this time, the crowd is bigger and ‘virtual’. Merchants now use the widespread connectivity of the Internet to every corner of the world to get their product to their customers. Customers on the other hand, surf the Internet to find what they need to purchase.


For a simplest form of electronic commerce to take place, customers generally only need to have a credit card. They would just hit ‘Submit’ after typing that 16-digit number in the Credit Card Number field and whoala! the stuffs they would like to purchase arrive right at the customers’ doorstep within a few working days. What is of concern here is not the amount of money a customer would spend. (obviously). What matters, though, is the Internet security involved in e-commerce.


What actually is this issue of Internet security? Internet security ensures that irrelevant people, generally called hackers, cannot read, modify nor steal messages intended for the customer or the bank. When we speak of Internet security in e-commerce, we mainly speak of secure electronic transactions. Secure electronic transactions should take care of all four major concerns of Internet security areas - secrecy, authentication, nonrepudiation and integrity.


To keep data secure, technology that is equally as complex as the concepts of hypertext in Internet is needed. Browsers like Netscape Communications’ Netscape Communicator and Microsoft’s Internet Explorer stand between unscrupulous hackers and users of the Internet like us to protect data that is being transacted. One may suggest that data could just easily be jumbled up in a such a way that only the intended person is able to read it. True enough, this is known as encrypting the data.

Encryption is scrambling data to make it into a secret incomprehensible code (cipher) and in the same time permitting the code to return to the original data form using complicated algorithms that employ esoteric mathematical equations. (PC Magazine Online: Pc Network Security in e-Commerce) (

All security protocols on the Internet use some form of encryption to make data secure to transact from its source to its destination. Encryption, being the basis of these security protocols, if combined with other forms of protection of the data, will guarantee an ideal protocol that is suitable for implementation in Web browsers for the needs of e-commerce.

A brief Study of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

*  The power of the padlock.

What is the padlock at the left bottom of the Netscape Navigator screen? How powerful is this padlock? How does it protect us as Internet users?

The padlock such as the above signifies an SSL protocol enabled application. The SSL protocol is a program layer in the application layer of the Open System Interconnect (OSI) model developed by Netscape, the maker of the popular web browser Netscape Navigator. Netscape's idea is that the programming for keeping messages confidential ought to be contained in a program layer between an application (such as your Web browser) and the Internet's TCP/IP layers. The ‘sockets’ part of the term refers to the sockets’ method of passing data back and forth between a client and a server program in a network or between program layers in the same computer. (Client here is the customer and server is the web merchant). The SSL has been offered as a proposed standard protocol to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as a standard security approach for Web browsers and servers. Since then, SSL is becoming ‘a de facto standard’ for secure transactions and other exchanges over the Web.

Secure transactions across the Internet, as with any other medium, have three goals. First, two parties engaging in a business transaction don't want a third party to be able to read their transmission. Some form of data encryption is needed. Second, the receiver of a message should be able to detect whether someone has tampered with the message in transit. This calls for a message integrity scheme. Finally, both parties must know that they are communicating with the real party, not an impostor. This needs some form of identification. .

The primary goal of the SSL Protocol is to provide privacy and reliability between two communicating transacting applications. (SSLv3 Secure Socket Layer version 3.0 Specification, ( In our case, to establish a secure connection between a user’s web browser and the web server of the merchant. This means SSL link-authenticate  both the parties. Next, SSL lets browsers and servers share data or information and blocks any other party from viewing the shared information. This is done using cryptography and encryption. Having taken care of secrecy, SSL then ensures that the shared data is not corrupted. If data corruption should occur, the SSL will play its role in detecting data integrity. Eventually, SSL allows controlled access to servers, directories, files and services.



How does SSL work?

Netscape uses RSA public and private key cryptography for Internet security. RSA key cryptography is widely used for authentication and encryption in the computer industry. Netscape has licensed RSA public key cryptography from RSA Data Security Inc. for use in its products, specifically for authentication. (

RSA public key encryption is a technique that uses a pair of asymmetric keys for encryption and decryption. Each pair of keys consists of a public key and a private key. The public key is made public by distributing it widely, thus the word ‘public’. The private key, on the other hand, is never distributed; it is always kept secret, thus the word ‘private’. Data that is encrypted with the public key can be decrypted only with the private key of the other party. Conversely, data encrypted with the private key can be decrypted only with the public key of the same party. This asymmetry is the property that makes public key cryptography so useful.

So, two parties engaging in a secure transaction must know each other's public keys but need not know the other’s private keys. When A wants to send B an encrypted message, A use B’s public key to turn A’s message into gibberish. A know that only B can turn the gibberish back into the original message, because only B knows her private key. In some cases, when B loses her private key, RSA’s asymmetry property in this public key cryptography enables A to recover her own encrypted message (encrypted using her own private key) with A’s own public key.

The public key itself has been standardized by RSA with several credible institutions. The form of the public key shall take the same format and structure. The Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) are a set of standards for public-key cryptography, developed by RSA Laboratories in cooperation with an informal consortium, originally including Apple, Microsoft, DEC, Lotus, Sun and MIT. PKCS includes both algorithm-specific and algorithm-independent implementation standards. (RSA Laboratories FAQ ver 4: What is PKCS?;

            Having merely a key to unlock the wealth of information contain within the transaction is not enough to ensure total message secrecy from other party. The message itself would have to be jumbled up even more. This is some sort of 2nd level encryption in the SSL protocol. The sender runs each message through a message-digest function such as MD5 or SHA. (RSA Labs FAQ v.4 : What are MD2, MD4, MD5? ; This function within an application produces a number called a message authentication code (MAC). The system works because it's almost impossible for an altered message to have the same MAC as another message. Also, you can't take a MAC and turn it back into the original message.

                 1.  I am the Walrus = Pre Hash Code 01101101

                                message digest

Message => Message Authentication Code (pre hash code)

Up to this stage, SSL produces a MAC for a message first before it is encrypted (2nd level encryption). Next, it encrypts the MAC with the sender's private key (top level encryption).

2.  Pre Hash Code 01101101  Sender's Private Key = #!?@

Pre Hash Code  + Sender’s Private Key => Top Level Encryption

It then encrypts both the message and the encrypted MAC with the recipient's public key and sends the message.


3.  #!?@The encrypted pre hash code and the message are encrypted using the secret key.


4.  Recipient's Public Key    CertificateSender obtains public key (digital certificate) from receiver


5.  Secret Key  Sender's Public Key = !@#$%Sender encrypts the product of top level encryption with recipients public key and sends the message


The message now is gibberish but it contains the identity of the sender and the information itself. So, authentication is possible at the receivers end. The encryption methods used above are either from the RC2_CBC_40. (RSA Laboratories FAQ version 4; or RC4_40 category of proprietary encryption method.  (RSA Laboratories FAQ version 4;

The process at the receiving is actually the reverse of the process of encryption. When B gets A’s message and decrypt it, B also get the encrypted MAC. B’s software takes the message and runs it through the same message-digest function that A used to get B’s MAC. Then it decrypts A’s encrypted MAC. If B’s MAC and A’s decrypted MAC are the same, then A know the message has not been tampered with. (Turn to the following page for a diagram of RSA Key Cryptography Summary). The process of decryption


1.  !@#$% Recipient's Private Key = Secret KeyThe recipient uses his/her private key to decrypt the secret key.


2. +)(*&^%  Secret Key = #!?@ I am the Walrus  The recipient uses his private key to decrypt the encrypted message and pre hash code.


3.  Sender's Public Key   CertificateThe recipient gets the sender's public key and verifies its certificate with a certificate authority.


4.  #!?@ I am the Walrus  Sender's Public Key = Pre Hash Code 01101101 I am the Walrus.The recipient uses the sender's public key to decrypt the pre hash code. This verifies the identity of the sender.


5. I am the Walrus = Post Hash Code.The recipient generates a post hash code from the message.


6.  Pre hash code 01101101 = Post Hash Code 01101101The post hash code equals the pre hash code. This verifies that the message has not been changed enroute.


To recap, SSL is capable of identifying (authenticating), prevent unwanted changes to the original information by third parties (enhance integrity of data), prevent information from leaking (taking care of secrecy) and assures that no unauthorized entity has intercepted data, like account numbers or credit card numbers, en rout to the intended destination. SSL will guarantee that the customer cannot deny that she had not been billed for purchases that she did not make. (non-repudiation).

A problem arises when a customer wants to send encrypted credit card information to the merchant for the first time commerce takes place between both parties. A customer’s computer will not know the public key that belongs to the web merchant. SSL provides an automated solution that performs user authentication and verification of public key by using digital certificates.

Using SSL, a client program and a server program agree on encryption and MAC methods. The server authenticates itself to the client (customer) by sending an unencrypted ASCII-based digital certificate (authentication of the client is optional). (refer to the diagram above). A digital certificate contains information about the company operating the server - including the server's public key.  By using digital certificate, the SSL protocol enables SSL enabled customer web browsers to confirm that they are actually submitting their valuable credit card information to the intended web merchant and not with a fraudulent site stealing credit card information

To further enhance the credibility of this so called certificates, the digital certificate is "signed" by a trusted digital-certificate issuer, which means that the issuer has investigated the company operating the server and believes it to be legitimate. If the client trusts the issuer, then it can trust the server. The digital-certificate issuer "signs" the certificate by generating a MAC for it, then encrypting the MAC with the issuer's private key. If the client trusts the issuer, then the client already knows the issuer's public key. Popular certificate issuers include RSA and VeriSign, whose services are not free. Currently, there are only a handful of issuers.

Besides agreeing on an encryption and MAC scheme, client and server have to agree on a key-exchange method: To close security holes, SSL requires that the client and server agree on a set of randomly generated keys. After the session is terminated, the keys are thrown away.

The SSL protocol gives two levels of encryption: 40-bit and 128-bit. With 40-bit encryption, there are billions of possible keys to decipher the coded information, and only one of them works. Someone intercepting the information would have to find the right key - a nearly impossible task. With 128-bit encryption, there are 300 billion trillion times as many keys as with 40-bit encryption. It is virtually impossible for an unauthorized party to find the right key, even if they are equipped with the best computers at speeds of a few million gigahertz.  (

The encryption method used in the SSL protocol is judged so difficult to break by the US government that it was restricted for export to other countries. This method has become a Data Encryption Standard (DES) for Internet Security purposes.



A practical exercise

Here’s an example of a digital signature that is explained above.  It belongs to Jim Heath, the author of the article “How Electronic Business Works and how it will change your business”, - details).

Version: 2.6.3ia


Save that as a file, and run it through a digital certificate capable software such as Eudora Email or Netscape’s Mail.


You'll get a message that says:


File has signature. Public key is required to check signature. Please enter filename of material that signature applies to:


Type in the right filename which contain the public key, and you get a message like this:


Good signature from user "jim heath <[email protected]>"


If you didn't pick the right file, or the text in it didn't match exactly, you would get a message like this:


Bad signature from user "jim heath <[email protected]>"

This exercise will show you how digital certificate would help in the authentication process in secure transactions. Because a digital certificate is produced by a credible body in phase with a public key of a web merchant, the customer should have more thrust on the company which she is making her purchase from.






RSA Key Cryptography Summary in Secure Socket Layer Protocol

Taken from:

1. A sender takes a document and produces a message authentication code (MAC) using a message-digest function.

2. The sender encrypts the MAC with the sender's private key.

3. The sender attaches the encrypted MAC to the document and encrypts both with the recipient's public key.

4. The sender sends the message to the recipient, which receives and decrypts the message with its private key.

5. The recipient produces a local copy of the document's MAC using the same message-digest function that the sender used.

6. The recipient decrypts the sender's MAC using the sender's public key.

7. The recipient compares its local copy of the MAC to the sender's unencrypted MAC. If the two match, then the recipient knows that the document has not been tampered with--and that only the sender could have created the original message.













Case Study : Using SSL for typical e-commerce

The following example involves Alice and Bob. Suppose that Bob is a Web Merchant that Alice wants to buy something from through electronic commerce.

First, Alice will want to authenticate Bob. Alice needs to make sure that Bob is really a web merchant that is the real, true person who Alice would want to make her purchase from. Bob has a pair of keys, one public and one private. Bob discloses to Alice his public key (the way he does this is discussed later). Alice then generates a random message and sends it to Bob:





Bob uses his private key to encrypt the message and returns the encrypted version to Alice:




Alice receives this message and decrypts it by using Bob's previously published public key. She compares the decrypted message with the one she originally sent to Bob; if they match, she knows she's talking to Bob. An imposter presumably wouldn't know Bob's private key and would therefore be unable to properly encrypt the random message for Alice to check. (using the private key).

Unless you know exactly what you are encrypting, it is never a good idea to encrypt something with your private key and then send it to somebody else. This is because the encrypted value can be used against you (remember, only you could have done the encryption because only you have the private key).

So, to further enhance security, instead of encrypting the original message sent by Alice, Bob constructs a message digest and encrypts that. A message digest is derived from the random message in a way that has the following useful properties:

By using a digest, Bob can protect himself. He computes the digest of the random message sent by Alice and then encrypts the result. He sends the encrypted digest back to Alice. Alice can compute the same digest and authenticate Bob by decrypting Bob's message and comparing values.


The technique just described above is known as a digital signature. Bob has signed a message generated by Alice, and in doing so he has taken a step that is just about as dangerous as encrypting a random value originated by Alice. Consequently, our authentication protocol needs one more twist: some (or all) of the data needs to be originated by Bob.



hello, are you bob?
Alice, This Is bob
{ digest[Alice, This Is Bob] } bobs-private-key

When he uses this protocol, Bob knows what message he is sending to Alice, and he doesn't mind signing it. He sends the unencrypted version of the message first, "Alice, This Is Bob." Then he sends the digested-encrypted version second. Alice can easily verify that Bob is Bob, and Bob hasn't signed anything he doesn't want to.

Handing Out Public Keys

How does Bob hand out his public key in a safe way? Let's say the authentication protocol looks like this:



Hi, I'm Bob, bobs-public-key
prove it
Alice, This Is bob
{ digest[Alice, This Is Bob] } bobs-private-key


With this protocol, anybody can be Bob. All you need is a public and private key. You lie to Alice and say you are Bob, and then you provide your public key instead of Bob's. Then you prove it by encrypting something with the private key you have, and Alice can't tell you're not Bob.

To solve this problem, the standards community has invented an object called a certificate. A certificate has the following content:

The certificate is signed using the certificate issuer's private key. Everybody knows the certificate issuer's public key (that is, the certificate issuer has a certificate, and so on...). Certificates are a standard way of binding a public key to a name.

By using this certificate technology, everybody can examine Bob's certificate to see whether it's been forged. Assuming that Bob keeps tight control of his private key and that it really is Bob who gets the certificate, then all is well. Here is the amended protocol:



Hi, I'm Bob, bobs-certificate
prove it
Alice, This Is bob
{ digest[Alice, This Is Bob] } bobs-private-key

Now when Alice receives Bob's first message, she can examine the certificate, check the signature (as above, using a digest and public key decryption), and then check the subject (that is, Bob's name) and see that it is indeed Bob. She can then trust that the public key is Bob's public key and request Bob to prove his identity. Bob goes through the same process as before, making a message digest of his design and then responding to Alice with a signed version of it. Alice can verify Bob's message digest by using the public key taken from the certificate and checking the result.

A hacker - Chris - can do the following:



Hi, I'm Bob, bobs-certificate
prove it

But Chris can't satisfy Alice in the final message. Chris doesn't have Bob's private key, so he can't construct a message that Alice will believe came from Bob.


On to the buying process: Exchanging credit card information

Once Alice has authenticated Bob, she can then send Bob her credit card details ,a message that only Bob can decode, for billing purposes.




The only way to find the credit card number is by decrypting the above message with Bob's private key. Exchanging sensitve information like credit card number is another powerful way of why using public key cryptography willl guarantee safe online transaction. Even if the communication between Alice and Bob is being observed (by Dante this time who somehow managed to get pass the authentication process but not Chris since he has failed in the authentication stage), nobody but Bob can get the secret.

Next, SSL protocol intelligently use the credit card number as another key, but this time it's a key to a symmetric cryptographic algorithm (such as RC4). Alice (of course) knows the credit card number because she generated it before sending it to Bob. Bob knows the credit card number now because Bob has the private key and can decrypt Alice's message. Because they both know the credit card details now, they can both initialize a symmetric encryption (cipher) algorithm and then start sending messages encrypted with it. Here is a revised protocol:




Hi, I'm Bob, bobs-certificate
prove it
Alice, This Is bob
{ digest[Alice, This Is Bob] } bobs-private-key
ok bob, here is my {C.C.number} bobs-public-key
{some message}secret-key

The secret-key is made up of randomly generated codes derived from the credit card information.

Here comes Dante

Dante is still in the picture now. Although Dante cannot discover the secret that Alice and Bob have exchanged, he is angry and has decided to interfere in their transaction by damaging it. For example, if Dante is sitting between Alice and Bob, he can choose to pass most information back and forth unchanged but mangle certain messages (easy for him to do because he knows the protocol that Alice and Bob are speaking):










Hi, I'm Bob, bobs-certificate
Hi, I'm Bob, bobs-certificate

prove it
prove it

Alice, This Is bob
{ digest[Alice, This Is Bob] } bobs-private-key
Alice, This Is bob
{ digest[Alice, This Is Bob] } bobs-private-key

ok bob, here is my {} bobs-public-key
ok bob, here is a {} bobs-public-key

{some message}secret-key
Garble[ {some message}secret-key ]

Dante passes the data through without modification until Alice and Bob share a secret. Then Mallet gets in the way by garbling Bob's message to Alice. By this point Alice trusts Bob, so she may believe the garbled message and try to act on it. Note that Mallet doesn't know the secret - all he can do is damage the data encrypted with the secret key. Mallet may not produce a valid message. Then again, he may get lucky if he could somehow (in a miracle) manage to produce the secret key (the same one that is derived from the credit card information).

Message Authentication Code to the Rescue

To prevent this kind of damage, Alice and Bob can introduce a message authentication code (MAC) into their protocol. A MAC is a piece of data that is computed by using a secret and some transmitted data. The digest algorithm described above has just the right properties for building a MAC function that can defend against Dante:


MAC := Digest[ some message, ]


Because Dante doesn't know the secret, he can't compute the right value for the digest. Even if Dante randomly garbles messages, his chance of success is small if the digest data is large. By using MD5 of SSL (a good cryptographic digest algorithm invented by RSA), Alice and Bob can send 128-bit MAC values with their messages. The odds of Mallet's guessing the right MAC are approximately 1 in 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 - for all practical purposes, never. Here is the sample protocol, revised yet again:



Hi, I'm Bob, bobs-certificate
prove it
Alice, This Is bob
{ digest[Alice, This Is Bob] } bobs-private-key
ok bob, here is my {} bobs-public-key
{some message,MAC}secret-key

Dante is in trouble now. He can garble messages all he wants, but the MAC computations will reveal him for the fraud he is. Alice or Bob can discover the bogus MAC value and stop talking. Dante can no longer put words in Bob's mouth. There Dante goes. Dante may decide to record, observe, sit all his life replaying the ‘conversation’ that Alice and Bob has but he will eventually find out that the SSL protocol is a Internet security protocol that will be a standard of protection against people like him for all online transactions now and in the future.

Current SSL Protocol

            Most of the SSL protocol that can be seen in today’s web browsers are only SSL version 2.0. Netscape Navigator 3.0 and Internet Explorer 3.0 employs SSL protocol version 2.0. SSL protocol version 3.0 has already been released by Netscape Navigator. The latest version of Netscape and Microsoft’s web browser supports the newer version of the SSL.

There are several significant differences between the newer version 3.0 protocol to the older version 2.0.

Security improvements:

  1. SSL 2.0 is vulnerable to a "man-in-the-middle" (known in this paper as Dante) attack. An active attacker might invisibly force both client and server to use 40-bit encryption. This will enable him to have fewer key combinations to deduce the information in the secret code. SSL 3.0 defends against this attack by having the last handshake message include a hash of all the previous handshake messages.
  2. SSL 2.0 uses a weak MAC construction, although post-encryption seems to stop attacks. This is fixed in 3.0.
  3. SSL 2.0 feeds padding bytes into the MAC in block cipher modes, but leaves the padding-length field unauthenticated, which could allow active attackers to delete bytes from the end of messages. This, too, is fixed in 3.0.
  4. In SSL 3.0, the Message Authentication Hash uses a full 128 bits of keying material, even when using an Export cipher. In SSL 2.0, Message authentication used only 40 bits when using an Export cipher.


  1. In SSL 2.0, the client can only initiate a handshake at the beginning of the connection. In 3.0, the client can initiate a handshake routine, even in the middle of an open session. A server can request that the client start a new handshake. Thus, the parties can change the algorithms and keys used whenever they want.


  1. SSL 3.0 allows the server and client to send chains of certificates. This allows organizations to use a certificate hierarchy that is more than two certifications deep.

Backward compatibility:

  1. SSL 3.0 can recognize an SSL 2.0 client hello and fall back to SSL 2.0. An SSL 3.0 client can also generate an SSL 2.0 client hello with the version set to SSL 3.0, so SSL 3.0 servers will continue the handshake in SSL 3.0, and SSL 2.0 server will cause the client to fall back to SSL 2.0.


  1. SSL 3.0 separates the transport of data from the message layer. In 2.0, each packet contained only one handshake message. In 3.0, a record may contain part of a message, a whole message, or several messages. This requires different logic to process packets into handshake messages. Therefore, the formatting of the packets had to be completely changed.
  2. Cipher specifications, handshake messages, and other constants are different.











In a nutshell

We have discussed the Secure Socket Layer protocols here in this student level technical paper. SSL being a security protocol provides data encryption, server authentication, message integrity and optional client authentication for TCP/IP connection. When a customer’s program connect to a secure merchant server, the usual TCP/IP protocol initiates a handshake and the SSL protocol makes the session secure. With SSL protocol explained, online transactions for e-commerce is guaranteed the following:


a)         The connection is private. 

Encryption is used after an initial handshake to define a secret key.  Symmetric cryptography is used for data encryption

b)         The peer's identity can be authenticated using asymmetric, or public key cryptography   

c)                  The connection is reliable.  Message transport includes a message integrity check using a keyed MAC.  Secure hash functions are used for MAC computations.



The future of e-commerce really depends on how secure Internet transactions could be. The SSL protocol, although is applicable to today’s e-commerce will still have its limitation. R. M. Davies said in the National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 500-27, Feb 1978,


“The intricacies of relating key variations and working principles to the real strength of the encryption/decryption equipment were, and are, virtually unknown to almost all buyers, and informed decisions as to the right type of on-line, off-line, key-generation, etc., which will meet buyers' security needs, have been most difficult to make.”


            The SSL is continuously being revised to add improvements to the protocol as time passes. It is indeed difficult to make up some protocol, and expect it to stay forever usable.













Newbie Section


Whether or not you are a web server merchant or a purchaser, you have got to know about SSL essentials. Further reading can be made here ( or on the References Section at the end of this report. The following is presented because they are the basics to using SSL.


First, who actually produces SSL software for e-commerce? As stated in the report, SSL is actually developed by Netscape Communications. SSL does not have a specific software. It is a protocol, and thus it is built into various forms of  softwares – whether Web browsers or Web database software. An example of a Web browser that has SSL is Netscape Communicator while an example of Web database software that has built-in SSL capabilities is IBM Net.Commerce.


For Web Server Merchants


Suppose you are a web merchant who wants to have your server SSL compliant. You encounter problems because a Web database software is usually very expensive, thus making the whole process of implementing a Web Server that is SSL capable very costly. Usually, you would opt for a company which can provide the server with SSL capabilities. These companies are said to provide SSL solutions. There are many companies that provide SSL solutions. An example is Mimos Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.


Upon obtaining a SSL solution provider, you should now solve the authentication process of Internet e-commerce. You should have your company accredited by some credible company. What this means is that she should be issued a digital certificate.



What you can see from the previous page is actually a snap out from VeriSign. VeriSign, as stated before, is a digital certificate issuer. The process of obtaining digital certificate can be done at the web site. (Currently, Malaysia too has its own digital certificate issuer.




Now, the process of having a SSL compliant server is now completed. Purchases made from you is now secured.





For Web Purchasers


            Suppose you want to buy something from A Sdn. Bhd. You have never make any purchase before, but you know quite a bit of SSL after reading this report.


            You first, will want to see that A is really a company you want to buy from. You want to check the authenticity of A. You configure your Web browser to search for A’s public key that contains the credibility of A. For example, in Internet Explorer, you can use the following window.




            By default, all Web browsers nowadays will automatically search for the required public key that is needed for authentication purposes.


            Next, to check the validity of the digital certificate issued to A, you can see a window like the following, after downloading the digital certificate of A into your computer.

(A in this case is DIGISIGN Sdn. Bhd.)



            The next checklist on buying through SSL enabled browser is to check for the following icon at the bottom of the screen of the browser.




            Once you are done with the steps above, you are now protected by the security provided by SSL.


















































PC Magazine Online: Pc Network Security in e-Commerce;


Definition of W3C;


Definition of IETF;


SSLv3 Secure Socket Layer version 3.0 Specification;


RSA Data Security;


RSA Laboratories FAQ ver 4: What is PKCS?;


RSA Laboratories FAQ ver 4: What is RC2_CBC_40;


RSA Laboratories FAQ ver 4: RC4_40 category of proprietary encryption method;


SSL Technical Brief;


PC Magazine Network Edition – Internet Security, How Ecryption Works?


PC Magazine Online – Digital Signatures, How they work?;


PC Magazine Online – PC Tech (Secure Socket Layer 3.0);


PC Webopedia Definition and Links: SSL;


Survey: How electronic encryption works and how it will change your business;


Study: Cisco Study: Net Economy Bigger Than Estimated;,1281,3551_135521,00.html


The SSL Protocol 2.0


IBM Net.Commerce Set-up Guide, IBM Publications 1998



The above paper can be reproduced with permission from the author. Referencing to this

document is permitted only for educational purposes. The author welcomes feedback to

this document through his email: [email protected]